All Anaconda Movies
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Contents • • • • • • • • • • • Plot [ ] A poacher () hides from an anaconda in his boat. While it breaks through the boat, the poacher commits suicide. While shooting a documentary about a long-lost Indigenous tribe, the Shirishamas, on the, director Terri Flores () and members of her crew—including cameraman Danny Rich (), production manager Denise Kalberg (), her boyfriend, sound engineer Gary Dixon (), visionary Warren Westridge (), anthropologist Professor Steven Cale (), and boat skipper Mateo ()—come across stranded snake hunter Paul Serone () and help him, believing he knows how to find the tribe they are searching for. Most of the crew are uncomfortable around Serone, and Cale clashes with him several times in regards to Shirishama lore. Later, while trying to free the boat's propeller from a rope, Cale is stung in the throat by a inside his, which swells his throat shut and leaves him unconscious.
All Anaconda Movies List
Fnaf 1 demo. Serone performs an emergency, seemingly saving Cale's life. With that, Serone takes command of the boat and the crew. They are then forced to help him achieve his true objective—hunting down and capturing a record-breaking he had been tracking. Mateo is the first of the crew to be killed by the anaconda, which coils around him and then breaks his neck near the boat where the poacher had been killed. A photograph in an old newspaper reveals that Mateo, Serone, and the unnamed poacher were working together to catch animals, including snakes.
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