- Might And Magic 8 Walkthrough
- Border Incident Might And Magic 7 Walkthrough
- Heroes Of Might And Magic 7 Walkthrough

Might And Magic 8 Walkthrough
Might and Magic 7 For Blood and Honor Relics & Artifacts guide Version 1.00 9/25/2003 By Ross C-D do as you please with this FAQ as long as it is not used for making a profit, and as long as credit is given to the author. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Relics & Artifacts FAQ's ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. How soon can I start getting some of these items? Pretty much at the start of the game the red dragon living in the dragons lair on emerald isle will quite often give up the goodies early. (Assuming you can kill it) Q.
Border Incident Might And Magic 7 Walkthrough
Heroes Of Might And Magic 7 Walkthrough
How can I guarantee that I will get a good item? 'SAVE' before you loot the dragon's corpse, even better use the infamous 'Multi Looting' Technique (see next question). The 'Multi Looting' Technique, what's that about? Due to what I believe to be a programming bug or glitch in the game corpses may not disappear when looted - getting yet another item, in short you can exploit this bug almost endlessly; unfortunately it's very random, just save, if the corpse goes reload and keep trying ( i had enough stuff to equip my party three times over - all of it top of the range weapons & armor ). Any other opportunities for the good stuff and 'Multi Looting'?