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Calendarios 2018. Not just big, these ships also featured nine of the largest guns ever put on a battleship, featuring 460 mm barrels and weighing an astounding 3,000 tons each, with all nine combined weighing approximately as much as the United States’ Wyoming, New York, and Nevada class battleships. Navy reviewed the story line and the song lyrics to ensure the project's good taste before it gave Cher permission to film her video in Long Beach aboard the venerable battleship In Video, the Navy Sees More of Cher Than It Foresaw - latimes.

Youtube Battleship Videos

Youtube Battleship Videos

New York City struggled to meet its recruitment goals during the spring of 1917. The United States had recently entered World War I, which had been raging in Europe since 1914 (see: ), and the military needed volunteers. While New York City had a population of around 6.5 million at the time, it lagged behind its goal of 2,000 recruits to the United States Navy by under half. So New York City’s Mayor, John P. Mitchel, decided that he needed a gimmick to spark young men’s interest and convince them to volunteer for the war. What better way to draw attention to the Navy than to construct a battleship in the middle of Union Square?